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Grant Development Director
Headshot of Rachel Yarger

Rachel Yarger

  • Master of Science, Clinical Psychology

  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Rachel has experience as a mental health case manager, working to connect low income people with services and programs.  She hopes to help Sunrise Daisy find and apply for grant opportunities and also to help connect Sunrise Daisy to underserved populations.


Rachel also has experience working as a mental health therapist, a crisis counselor, a professional interviewer, and has contributed through administrative roles. Rachel’s mom is a breast cancer survivor and spent many years running a support group for survivors, helping find resources to get free mammograms for low income women, and working at MD Anderson Cancer Center as medical librarian and resource specialist.  Rachel has seen first hand how important her mom’s efforts were, both to her own recovery from the mental health effects of cancer, and to the recovery of countless people she worked to help. Rachel would love to play her small part in carrying on this work.


In her free time, Rachel loves the arts - painting, gardening, cooking, writing, etc. - and would like to use her creative side to help Sunrise Daisy Retreat in any way she can.

© 2023 by Sunrise Daisy Retreat, RoAnna Savage-Creative Director

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